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  • Code: Butterflies Life
  • Skills: Butterflies of India

Project Description

The Pygmy Scrub Hopper (Aeromachus pygmaeus) is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae. Its range extends from the Nilgiris, Wynaad, Coorg, and Kanara in India to Assam, Burma, and Thailand.

  • Description:

    • Male: The upper side of the male is uniform olive-brown, without any markings. Some examples may have faint indications of discal and sub-marginal marks. The undersides are paler, with a small whitish spot at the end of the cell. The hindwings are entirely covered with minute white scales, and there are traces of a whitish outwardly curved discal band.
    • Female: Similar to the male, the female lacks distinct markings on the upper side. The undersides are paler, with similar features as described for the male.
    • Lepidoptera Indica, Vol. X [4]
  • Host Plants: The larvae of the Pygmy Scrub Hopper feed on plants such as Polytrias indicaCyrtococcum trigonum, and Stenotaphrum secundatum.


Blog Posts

Bhogeshwara, also known as Mr. Kabini

Bhogeshwara, also known as Mr. Kabini, was a remarkable wild elephant in Asia. The ..

Meesapulimala Expedition

Meesapulimala is located in between the Anaimalai Hills and Palani Hills near Suryanelli around 20 km away ..




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