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The defenders of
western ghats

Project: "Insects of Life"

Background:- IDWG is a project that brings together film, music and photographs of insects that balances Ecosystem and Human Life.

I was born and brought up in a small village (Chirakkadavu) in a place which is known as 'Gods own Country' - Kerala, India. The place, festooned with beautiful hills which reverberates the beauty of nature, influenced me from my childhood. As a child, I was always fascinated by the beautiful meadows, the streams, the cool wind that brushes past me and the fog that brings a mystic feeling. The mesmerising beauty and lush greenery of my place gave birth to the nature lover in me. The journey from a nature lover to a wildlife photographer was a long one. The beauty of this Nature was making me a painter and a wildlife photographer. Assimilating every form of life in Nature, in my mind, the photographer in me combines them into a colourful frame reflecting the beauty of wildlife copiously. This frame of wildlife which I capture is where we all can feel the soul of Nature. As a wildlife photographer, my passion and eagerness is to explore the wildlife and to present the life there to the outside world. The more I photograph and observe wildlife the more I am convinced that animals and even insects have emotions and feelings. I always strive to show the detail, sprit and wildness of nature on my photographs. Each photography journey into the wild led me to understand Nature and wildlife more deeply. This put me in deep thought about this nature and the need for its preservation. This and the avid desire of preserving this lush greenery for future generations led me to the constitution of the Trust "Save Tree Save Life", along with likeminded friends. The aim of this Trust is Environment Protection. Save Tree Save Life, in association with environmentalists and other similar organisations is working for the past 12 years for Environment and its protection. I was able to associate with lot of NGOs in the field of wildlife Photography and Environment Conservation. I worked with world leading magazines and television channels. In 2014-2015 I was selected as a Featured Photography Member by the famous National Geography Community. I still continue my journey in search of forests and wildlife... Ten years ago, I began to have intense dreams of learning about Micro insects. Though I have always had a very strong connection to the animal world, I had no idea what this was about. I began to pay attention to the synchronicity and clues and soon enough I was following the path that insects had set for me.

I was led around the world, mostly camping alone in spectacular wild places -- most of the Western Ghats. I met and learned from people who hold Insects sacred, from the Bushmen elder healers of the Kalahari, to modern-day shamans and martial artists. I discovered that Insects that balance our Ecosystem offers great lessons.

Consider This:

Without insects, our world would be a very different place. If insects didn't play their roles as pollinators and as food sources for other animals, our food supply and selection would be drastically reduced. As a result, you might have trouble putting together that "ant-free picnic" you were so looking forward to. Likewise, a pleasant camping spot might be difficult to come by in a world full of animal waste and dead plants and animals that would exist without insects to help break them down.


the vital part of this planet's ecology

While it's true that some insects - like those bloodsucking mosquitoes or plant-eating pests - directly harm humans, the vast majority don't. Rather, they're all a vital part of this planet's ecology. They provide food for other animals (including humans in some cultures), recycle natural materials, and help plants to reproduce. They even create products we use every day, such as silk and honey. On a scientific level, insects provide systems for exploring and modelling human body processes. So, you see, insects help us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. At the purely aesthetic level, insects provide our world with beauty, drama, and wonder. They have, it seems, a limitless variety of colours and shapes, behaviours and habits. As you look through a hand lens at an insect, you enter a world more bizarre and outrageous than any science fiction author could dream up. They can be fascinating, entertaining, beautiful, or ugly. They are insects, and they are everywhere.

The Work

I am an expert in macro-photographic equipment, bought a pile of photography accessories and began traveling. Working every night, I walk into the forest or grasslands near and far from where i live in search of insects. Sometimes I set up lights and see who shows up. The bugs never fail to amaze me and many others too.

I communicate if they want their portraits taken and if they agree, I bring them inside my tent or camping van. I stay up all night, working for hours with each bug, making still photos and shooting HD video. Afterwards, I thank them and put them back where I found them. It is a true collaboration based on love and respect.

We team up together for the work of INSECT OF LIFE video shooting, sound capturing and snapping their postures. It’s a big effort with a big team and lot of costly Gadgets.

The Project

"INSECTS OF LIFE" is of three verticals:

  1. "INSECTS OF LIFE" Research
  2. "INSECTS OF LIFE" Movie
  4. "INSECTS OF LIFE" Web-Portal

IDWG explore the alien or other and our intrinsic connection with the insect world. Launching on Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival & Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival by Coming Years, it will continue to travel to other cities around the world.


The next stage of the project is to begin work with:

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Who we are

Save Tree Save Life Environmental Trust. Reg. No. IV 29/2014, is a registered NGO founded by Mr. Praveen G Nair. This is his brain child about a decade ago. He grouped a dozen nature loving people and currently his team is working on the mission. Our team had focus on the sustainable development of our environment. Besides Environment, the organization works in the areas of Environmental Education Programs, Forest Development Programs, Legal Awareness & Movements, Protect Water Resources, Pollution Consequences, Eco Friendly Foods, Environmental Soldiers (Volunteers), Nature & Tourism, Tribal Development, Sustainable Agricultural Development, Child Rights, Human Rights, Family Welfare, Women's Development, Sustainable Community Development and Research.

Save Tree Save Life believes that the environment must be saved first to save generation. The health of the generation is determined by the environment. Every generation has got a collective responsibility to protect and preserve the environment for the future generations to come and Save Tree Save Life greatly reckons this as the need of the time.

Mission - To Protect Environment

Save Tree Save Life is non-governmental organization that uses science-based programs to empower consumers, purchasers and companies to create a more sustainable world. Save Tree Save Life was founded because of the need for environmental restoration, stewardship, and protection of neglected public lands. Our organization coordinates volunteer events worldwide that utilize the resources of the community to provide long-term environmental benefits for natural areas. We have established a large and enthusiastic volunteer network that draws upon the diverse strengths of different races and cultures to accomplish our common goal of restoring the beauty of the natural landscape. By working together with our community, the Save Tree Save Life Project educates our youth about the need to protect the integrity of the environment by promoting stewardship of the wild lands and waters that support Earth's biodiversity and ecosystems. Achieve the goals and targets set in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Address the national and pressing problems of preparing the world or challenges of today and of the next century

Vision - To Protect Generation

A Green Economy. One that is as sustainable as possible - renewable, with minimal impact - so that our environment, all forms of life, and our natural resources are protected, and our social needs and values are honored. Save Tree Save Life main phase is to improve the conservation of biodiversity through educational, scientific, management and training programme. To improvise the quality of life of all community through management and conservation of natural resources. To ensure that the natural environment is used wisely and continues to be available for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations.

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We Need

Your Help...

'Insects of Life' has been mostly self-funded and now we need your help and support. We would like to bring people face to face with insects, to confront their fears and prejudices and to challenge them to see the world in a new way. I want to make people understand how essential is the life of insects plays the key role in Balancing Ecosystem and leading the human life . Our project will transmit the sense of awe I feel in their presence. In gratitude, I will keep you posted on the project's progress, my travels and all the wonderful creatures I meet along the way. Please contact me directly if you would like to support IDWG through its production and travels other expenses which we have not mentioned here, If you would like to receive a tax-deduction for your contribution, we will be happy to help you, My work is a tribute to insects of this world, to their intelligence, idea, personality and elegant beauty. We humbly request you to please help honour the small beings who really run the planet and on whom our lives depend. Help me to bring their message to you.


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