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Project Description

The Plum Judy (Abisara echerius) is a captivating butterfly found in Asia. Let me describe its striking features:

  • Appearance:
    • Wet-season form:
      • Male Upperside: Rich purple-brown or maroon-brown with a blue gloss.
      • Forewing: Discal and postdiscal transverse fasciae are obscure and only slightly paler than the ground color.
      • Hindwing: Uniform; two small black spots near the apex of interspace 1, and larger black spots near apices of interspaces 5 and 6, all bordered with white.
      • Underside: Dull maroon-brown with pale transverse bands on the forewing and pale lunular spots on the hindwing.
    • Dry-season form:
      • Similar to wet-season form but somewhat paler.
      • Hindwing spots may be minute or absent.
    • Field Characteristic: Plum Judies are often seen dancing at the tops of trees and amidst foliage. Their unique habit of landing and immediately turning around confuses predators about their head orientation, creating an impression of dancing.
  • Racial Variation:
    • Var. jocularia: Pale form found in Western India.
    • Race kashmira: Distinguished by darker and more uniform upperside color, dull brownish underside, and non-fasciated wings.
    • Race ceylonica: Upperside Vandyke brown to dark sepia brown, with white hindwing and small posterior ocelli.


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