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  • Code: Grasshoper
  • date: 12 July 2017

Project Description

The coffee locust (Aularches miliaris) is an intriguing grasshopper species found in South and Southeast Asia. Let’s delve into its fascinating features:

  1. Appearance:

    • The coffee locust exhibits bright warning colors, which serve as a deterrent to predators.
    • Its fairly large size and striking coloration help keep potential threats at bay.
    • When disturbed, this grasshopper employs a unique defense mechanism: it ejects a toxic foam.
    • Although commonly referred to as the “coffee locust,” it is not a true locustInstead, it belongs to the grasshopper family.
  2. Distribution and Behavior:

    • The coffee locust is native to regions such as IndiaMyanmarChinaKoreaSoutheast Russia, and Japan.
    • It occasionally reaches high population densities, but unlike true locusts, it rarely forms bands or swarms.
    • Farmers in areas where high-value cash crops like black peppercoffeeareca nutbanana, and coconut are grown have observed outbreaks of this grasshopper.
    • During these outbreaks, nymph bands of 800 to 1000 individuals per square meter have been found.

So, the next time you’re sipping your morning coffee or tending to your banana plants, keep an eye out for this remarkable coffee locust!


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