Copera marginipes, commonly known as the yellow bush dart, is a species of damselfly in the family Platycnemididae. It is native to Asia, where it is widespread and common.
Description: Copera marginipes is a medium-sized damselfly with brown-capped yellow eyes that have a narrow equatorial black band encircling them. Its thorax is black on the dorsum with a yellow mid-dorsal carina and a narrow greenish-yellow humeral stripe. This stripe is followed by a broad black fascia on the middle of the lateral side of the thorax, peppered with small pale yellow spots. The abdomen is black on the dorsal half up to segment 8, paler on the ventral half, and has bluish-white basal annules. Segment 9 is bluish-white on the dorsal half and black below it, while segment 10 is entirely bluish-white. The anal appendages are pale yellow to white, with the inferiors tipped in black. In related species like Copera vittata, the superiors are as long as segment 10, while the inferiors are nearly twice the length of the superiors. The inferiors are pale within and blackish-brown externally.
Habitat: Copera marginipes is commonly found among undergrowth along the banks of rivers and streams, often at lowland heights. It prefers herbage and streamside vegetation.
Sexual Dimorphism: The female is more robust compared to the male, with duller colors and less conspicuously defined markings. Tenerals (immature individuals) of both sexes can be entirely white with a few black markings.
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